THE UNITED AFRICAN UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA (UAUT) is a private institution of higher learning founded by The Korea Church Mission (KCM) Registered Trustees with the objective of alleviating poverty and promoting growth through raising Tanzanian Christian leaders who are equipped with excellence in wisdom, knowledge, and Christian virtues.
The responsibility of the day-to-day running of UAUT is vested upon the University Council, with the Vice Chancellor as the main link between the Board of Trustees and the University Council.
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PhD Positions at United African University of Tanzania
Job description
• Holders of a Ph.D. and a GPA of 3.5 (upper second class) or above at a bachelor’s degree and 4.0 or above for a master’s degree majoring in marketing, accounting, computer science, computer engineering, IT, or related fields.
• At least 3 years of working experience in Higher Learning Institutions
• Teaching language proficiency
• Conducting lectures, tutorials, seminars, and practicals for undergraduate programmes
• Carrying out field supervision
• Mentoring junior staff in all relevant academic matters
• Participating in curriculum development
• Participating in the development and management of various university projects
• Undertaking research and publishing research results
• Undertaking consultancy
• Preparing teaching manuals and compendia
• Supervising undergraduate students’ projects
• Attending/organizing workshops, conferences and seminars