(51) Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree and PhD Scholarships at the university of alberta, Canada

(51) Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, and PhD scholarships at the University of Alberta: The University of Alberta is a public research university located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It was founded in 1908 by Alexander Cameron Rutherford, the first premier of Alberta, and Henry Marshall Tory, the university’s first president. It was enabled through the Post-secondary Learning Act.

The University of Alberta in Edmonton is one of the top teaching and research universities in Canada, with an international reputation for excellence across the humanities, sciences, creative arts, business, engineering, and health sciences.

Also read: (15) Master’s degree and PhD Scholarships at the University of Alberta in Canada

Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, and PhD scholarships at the University of Alberta

  • High school applicants entering directly from high school must complete the General Application and the Entrance Scholarship Application. Annually, this application is open from October 1 until mid-January.
  • Current students and students at the end of their degree program, as well as those entering a professional program, an after-degree program or applying to transfer from another post-secondary institution must complete the General Application, Additional Information Application, and their faculty-specific application. Annually, this application is open from February 1 until March 31.
Award Name Actions
Faculty of Engineering 1949 Chemical Engineers’ Dr George W Govier Award

To be awarded annually to a student with satisfactory academic standing…
Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation 25th Anniversary of the Practicum Program Legacy Award

Awarded to full-time students entering the fourth year in a BARST, BKin,…
Faculty of Arts A Doris Schuh Award in Western Canadian History

Awarded to a student with satisfactory academic standing entering the…
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry A W Downs Prize in Physiology

Awarded annually to the medical student who obtains the highest mark in…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences AAEA Undergraduate Scholarship

To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences AAFRD Special Crops Product Team Scholarship

To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement…
Faculty of Law Abe W Miller Memorial Prize in Criminal Law

To be awarded annually to a student completing first year Law for…
Faculty of Arts Abigal Edith Condell Memorial Scholarship in Music

Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement at the end of…
Alberta School of Business Academic ICT Achievement Prize in Management Information Systems

To be awarded annually to an undergraduate student with superior…
Faculty of Law Adams Trust Oil and Gas Prize

To be awarded annually to the student who achieves the highest mark in…
Faculty of Science Adas Team Academic Excellence Scholarship in Computing Science

Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement enrolled in the…
Faculty of Science Adas Team Leadership Award in Natural and Applied Science

Awarded to a student with satisfactory academic standing enrolled in the…
Alberta School of Business ADC Scholarship in Management Information Systems

To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement…
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Adella Patrige Memorial Award in Cardiology

Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement in Cardiology…
Faculty of Native Studies Adrian Hope Prize in Cree Culture

Granted annually to the student with outstanding academic achievement in…
Alberta School of Business Advertising Club of Edmonton Scholarship

To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement…
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry ADVICO Dentistry Leadership Award

Awarded to students with satisfactory academic standing convocating with…
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry AE Bowie Scholarship in Medicine

To be awarded annually on the basis of superior academic achievement to…
Alberta School of Business AF and Sophia Haddad Memorial Award to Further Education in Business and Finance

Awarded to a student with satisfactory academic standing in the final…
Faculty of Science Afzal A Khan Outstanding Achievement in Mathematics Scholarship

Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement continuing in…
Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation AG (Gil) Gilmet Award

To be awarded annually to a student with satisfactory academic standing…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences Agricultural/Food Business Management Scholarship

To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences Agriculture Class of 1950 Bar None 2nd Year Leadership Award

Awarded to a student with satisfactory academic standing entering the…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences Agriculture Class of 1950 Bar None 3rd Year Leadership Award

Awarded to a student with satisfactory academic standing entering the…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences Agriculture Class of 1961 Bar None Scholarship

Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement entering or…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences Agriculture Class of 1964 Bar None Leadership Scholarship

Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement entering the…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences Agriculture Class of 1969 Bar None Leadership Award

Awarded to student(s) with satisfactory academic standing enrolled in…
Faculty of Law Agrios, Honourable John A Distinguished Student Achievement Scholarship in Law

Awarded to students with superior academic achievement enrolled in the…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences AHEA Alberta Human Ecology and Home Economics Association – Southern Alberta Branch Scholarship

Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement entering the…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences AHEA Alberta Human Ecology and Home Economics Association Centennial Scholarship

To be awarded annually to students with superior academic standing…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences AHEA Family Studies Scholarship

To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement…
Faculty of Education AHEA Florence Hallock Memorial Scholarship

Offered annually to a student with superior academic achievement…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences AHEA Hazel McIntyre Scholarship

To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences AHEA Helen Bentley Bursary

Awarded students with a GPA of 3.0 or greater enrolled in the second,…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences AHEA Helen Moseson Samuel Scholarship

To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences AHEA Jane Carlyle Memorial Award

Awarded to a student with a minimum GPA of 3.2 entering or continuing in…
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences AHEA Mabel Patrick Scholarship

To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement…
Faculty of Arts AHEPA Prize

Awarded to the undergraduate student with the highest academic standing…
Faculty of Law AI Shumiatcher Memorial Prize in Advocacy

To be awarded annually to a student who shows superior academic…
Faculty of Arts Aiken Award in English Language and Literature

Awarded to a student with a GPA of 3.3 or greater entering or continuing…
Faculty of Education Aileen Charlotte Driscoll Scholarship

Awarded to an honours student with superior academic achievement…
Faculty of Arts Ailsa Heathcote Walker Memorial Prize

To be awarded annually to a student who has first class standing in HIST…
Alberta School of Business AIMCo Foundation for Financial Education Gender Diversity Scholarship in Finance

Awarded to a student who self-identifies as female and/or a gender…
Alberta School of Business AIMCo Foundation for Financial Education Indigenous Student Award in Business

Awarded to a student with satisfactory academic standing who is a First…
Alberta School of Business AIMCo Foundation for Financial Education PRIME Award

Awarded to a student with satisfactory academic standing enrolled in any…
Alberta School of Business AIMCo Foundation for Financial Education PRIME Second Year Scholarship

Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement participating in…
Alberta School of Business AIMCo Foundation for Financial Education Scholarship in Finance

Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement enrolled in any…
Alberta School of Business AIMCo Foundation for Financial Education Scholarship in Investment Management

Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement enrolled in any…
Faculty of Arts Alan and Mickey Macdonald Bursary in Drama

To be awarded annually to a student with satisfactory academic standing…
Augustana Faculty Alan and Suna Smith Memorial Scholarship in Science

Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement enrolled in any…