(4) Degree, Master’s degree and PhD Position at Mount Kenya University

(4) Degree, Master’s Degree, and PhD Position at Mount Kenya University: Mount Kenya University is a private, multi-campus university in the municipal town of Thika, Kenya. It was established by Prof. Simon N. Gicharu and has become one of the most significant private universities in Kenya. MKU has a student population of 52,000 as of September 2015.

The idea behind the establishment of the university dates back to 1996, when the precursor of the university, the Thika Institute of Technology, was founded as a computer outreach program. At this point in time in Kenyan history, the development of information and communication technology (ICT), both mobile telephony and computer technology, had started gaining upward momentum in rural and urban centers.

In the year 2000, the institute developed into a commercial college offering management and computer training programs. Later in the year, the Ministry of Education Science and Technology recognized the institute as a full-fledged institution of higher learning and granted it full registration approval.

In order to remain relevant to the training needs of society, the institute initiated training programs in the fields of paramedical, information technology, and business and entrepreneurship education in the year 2002.

In the year 2005, the institute became the first private institution in Kenya to be allowed to train pharmaceutical technologists by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of the Ministry of Health.

In the year 2006, the Commission for Higher Education (CHE) validated and approved the institute’s request for collaboration with JKUAT to offer both diploma and degree programs. The Institute continued to work closely with the Commission for Higher Education in line with the stipulated guidelines for establishing a privately funded university.

Degree, Master’s degree and PhD Position at Mount Kenya University

Lecturers Arabic and Islamic Studies

  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Qualification MBA/MSc/MA , PhD/Fellowship
  • Experience 3 years
  • Location Nairobi
  • Job Field Education / Teaching 


Must have:

  • An earned PhD or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant area of specialization from a recognized/accredited university;


  • Master’s degree in relevant discipline (for special cases outlined on MKU teaching staff appointments and promotions guidelines, 2020) with 3 years teaching/industry/research experience;
  • Expected to have registered for a PhD degree in the relevant discipline.
  • At least three (3) years teaching experience at university level and demonstrated hands-on skills in software development and databases;
  • At least 24 publication points, of which 16 should be from refereed scholarly journals
  • Be registered by the relevant Professional Body (where applicable)

Key responsibilities also include

Reporting to: Head, Department of Psychology, Humanities & Languages

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Adherence to the teaching requirements as per the curriculum.
  • Administration of Continuous Assessment Tests.
  • Examination Setting, Administration, & Marking.
  • Deliver high-quality learning experiences for undergraduate and graduate students through the preparation of teaching materials, the preparation of class methodology or activities, and the actual delivery of the curriculum in class.
  • Keep abreast of developments within the academic discipline or professional practice of the subject area, and share this knowledge to shape curriculum content, design, and delivery.
  • Ensure that content, methods of delivery, and learning materials meet the defined learning objectives and that they are regularly reviewed for opportunities for improvement.
  • Ensure timely student assessment through the preparation, moderation, administration, and marking of examinations.
  • Guide students at the undergraduate and graduate level in identifying research topics, concept development, proposal development, and supervision.
  • Ensure that accurate student records, including registers, reports, student assessment, and achievement, are updated in the Academic Management System.
  • Identify sources of funding through grant writing to advance research portfolios at the school.
  • Engage in publishing papers as well as attending, participating, and presenting papers in workshops, conferences, and professional seminars.
  • Collaborate with other researchers internally, nationally, and internationally for purposes of establishing research linkages and contributing to the attainment of the school’s research objectives.
  • Responsible for administrative duties when called for, including but not limited to leadership of academic programs, membership in different committees, or being part of the management of the school.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified? Go to Mount Kenya University on recruitment.mku.ac.ke to apply

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