(02) PhD Positions at the University of South Africa

(02) PhD Positions at the University of South Africa: The University of South Africa is the largest university system in South Africa by enrollment. It attracts a third of all higher education students in South Africa.

Unisa has for 150 years set the tone on the continent and globally as one of the premier exponents of the tried-and-tested comprehensive, open, distance, and e-learning model.

Our vision “towards the African university shaping futures in the service of humanity” drives us to find answers to Africa’s educational and developmental problems.

By forming partnerships in Africa and throughout the world, we are able to help the people of Africa achieve their dreams.

At Unisa, everything we do is inspired by our vision, mission, and values. They form the foundation of our strategic planning.

Located at the southern tip of Africa, Unisa takes pride in its identity and has the interests of the continent at heart.

A brief history of Unisa from its early beginnings in 1873 to the inauguration of Prof. Puleng Lenka-Bula as Principal and Vice-Chancellor in 2021.

Also read: (02) postdoctoral positions at the University of South Africa

PhD Positions at the University of South Africa

Thabo Mbeki African School of Public & International Affairs Professor: Security & Intelligence Studies 14 March 2025
Thabo Mbeki African School of Public & International Affairs Professor: Sustainable Livelihoods & Resources Management 14 March 2025