(02) Master’s degree in Anesthesiology Positions at the Ministry of Health in Tanzania

(02) Master’s degree in Anesthesiology Positions at the Ministry of Health in Tanzania: Ministry of Health in Tanzania: The President of the United Republic of Tanzania issued a Notice on Assignment of Ministerial Functions (Instrument) on Government Notice No. 57b of 24th January 2022.

The Ministry is mandated on formulation of:

(a) Policies on health issues and their implementation.
(b) preventive and curative services.
(c) Chemical Management Services.
(d) Medical Laboratory Services.
(e) Medical Research and Nutrition.
(f) Food and Drug Quality Services.
(g) Medical Supplies.
(h) Promotion of Traditional and Alternative Medicine.
(i) Health Services Inspection.
(j) Family Planning.
(k) International Health and Medical Organizations.
(l) Coordination of NGO dealing with the functions under this sector.
(m) Coordination of international organizations under this sector.
(n)Performance Improvement and Development of Human Resource Services and Their Implementation Under This Ministry.
(o) Extre-Ministerial Departments, Parastatal Organizations, and Projects under this ministry.


The Ministry of Health is responsible for the following:

1. Formulation of health-related policies

2. Provision of:

  • Hospital services
  • Preventive services
  • Chemical management services
  • Forensic science service
  • Food and drug quality services
  • Reproductive Health services
  • Promotion of traditional medicine.
  • Inspection of health services.
  • Participating in international health and medical organizations
  • Developing human resource under the Ministry
  • Overseeing extra-ministerial development parastatals and projects under the Ministry.
  • Supervising government agencies under the Ministry.

Also read: (07) Diploma in optical technology Positions at the Ministry of Health in Tanzania

Master’s degree in Anesthesiology Positions at the Ministry of Health in Tanzania




2025-03-06 2025-03-19.


Performing all medical tasks in hospitals related to various diseases in the relevant fields. 

ii. Planning, managing and evaluating services in districts or regions 

iii. Teaching students in health colleges in his/her area of ​​work 

iv. To investigate, monitor and prevent disease outbreaks 

v. To prepare for the continuing education of health workers. 

vi. To train and direct subordinates 

vii. Supervise subordinate staff 

viii.Design, conduct and evaluate research and disseminate results 

ix. Design and prepare strategies to improve the quality of services in their field 

x.Provide outreach services in the region 

xi. Providing medical legal services

xii.Participate in developing and overseeing the implementation of Government Policies and Plans on health 

xiii. Advise the ministry on the operation of health activities in the country. 

xiv. Participating in the medical board committee for the retirement of employees due to health problems. 

xv. Preparing curricula for continuing education for health workers. 

xvi.Prepare plans and budget estimates for health services 

xvii. To perform other duties assigned by his/her superior related to his/her education, experience, and skills.


To be employed with a Master of Medicine degree in the field of anesthesiology (M.Med. or PhD in Medicine) of three years or more from universities recognized by the government. They must be registered with the Medical Council of Tanganyika.


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